Man Freed From Evil Spirit Causing Muteness

Manju is 53 years old was born into a Hindu family.  He troubled by an evil spirit for one year and was unable to speak and recognize his family and relatives.  A Vision India pastor found Manju and prayed for him and he was delivered from the evil spirit.  Being delivered from the evil spirit he began to follow Jesus and committed his life to Him. Having seen this wonder his family is also attending fellowship.

Film Ministry

The tribal people of India are very curious about films. Vision India carries a multimedia presentation of the Gospel of Luke, the Jesus Film, into remote villages as an effective evangelism tool. Hundreds have come to Christ through this ministry.

Children’s Ministry

Recognizing the conditions in which village children live, we established  Children’s Bible Clubs to minister to physical, mental and spiritual needs. Trained teachers conduct classes – which include Bible stories, instruction in social skills, and assistance with school lessons – two hours each day.

Prison Ministry

With permission of the authorities, our workers visit local jails where we sing gospel songs, present drama, counsel with God’s word, and preach the Gospel. When asked to do so, we pray with the prisoners. We offer toiletries, sweets, fruits etc. as tokens of love. Many have listened to the Gospel and accepted Jesus.


Our evangelists endure obstacles and difficulties to travel to remote villages where the Gospel has never been preached. They visit door to door, distribute Christian literature, and preach the Word of God. Over three hundred house churches have been established with new believers being added daily.

Church Planting

We recognize Jesus’ four-step plan as found in the gospels of Matthew and Mark. First, GO; secondly, PROCLAIM; thirdly, BAPTIZE; lastly, MAKE DISCIPLES.  Those who hear and believe make up the Church locally and are part of the Church world wide.


House of Hope

A key ministry of Vision India is the care for the physical and spiritual needs of over a hundred orphans through our House of Hope ministry.  The children in this ministry consistently rank at the top in their public schools.