Our Ministries

Native Missionaries


Vision India has 587 native missionaries on the field. More are needed to go into the estimated 500,000 villages in India that have never heard the Gospel. You can help today by supporting a missionary for $35 per month. One hundred percent of your donation goes to the ministry in India.  If you would like to support a missionary, complete the form below.

Support A Native Missionary

Support a Native Missionary for $35 a month

Your support will help send them into the harvest and will reap eternal rewards. Your donation is tax deductible and one hundred percent of your donation goes to the work in India.

House of Hope


In December 2005, Vision India founded a children's home to provide care for children, who have been orphaned or abandoned. Often, these little ones have been relegated to the streets to beg, be exploited by child labor, or be sold into the illicit sex trade. Two hundred fifty children are now being loved and cared for at the House of Hope.

These boys and girls have been rescued from lives of poverty and hopelessness. They now have shelter, food, clothing, education and medical care in a safe, clean environment. They are experiencing healing of their bodies and spirits. They are being loved by teachers and caretakers who model Christian living. And most importantly, they are learning about the one true God and His son Jesus who loves them and has a plan for their lives.

By sending a gift of $25 each month, child sponsors assist in providing for the physical, social and spiritual development of the sponsored child.

Sponsor A Child

$25 will help meet the needs of a child

Your gift to House of Hope is greatly appreciated and will be used wisely to care for the children and helping them overcome homelessness, hunger, disease and illiteracy in a Christian environment.

Children's Bible Clubs


India’s children make up one of the world’s largest unreached people groups in the world. Over 450 million children under the age of 18 live in India.

Vision India reaches out to these children through the Children’s Bible Clubs (CBC). CBC offers them an opportunity to have fun with games, singing, crafts, and in the process learn Bible stories about the one true God and how to pray to Him. Many of the children come to Christ and influence their family members to do likewise. The clubs also open the door for workers to meet with family members where they are able to share the Gospel.

Support the Clubs

Help support the Children's Bible Clubs

Children's Bible Clubs offer tribal children an opportunity to have fun with games, singing, crafts, and in the process learn Bible stories about the one true God.

Eden Public School


The Eden Public School has 21 teachers and 5 caretakers teaching and caring for 340 students. Because it is important for Indian children to learn English, the lessons are presented in the English language and from a Christian perspective. Many of the students live in surrounding villages, while 90 live at House of Hope.